A romantic comedy that centers on the student council head named Misaki Ayuzawa who despises the mostly male, slovenly population at her school, which was once an all-boys school. However, Misaki's most handsome schoolmate just discovered her secret — that she works afterschool at a maid café.Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo
Authors: Fujiwara, Hiro (Story & Art)
Characters :
1. Ayuzawa Misaki
Age: 16 years old
Class: 2-1
Date Of Birth: September 29th
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Blood type: B
Special Skill: Aikido
Favorite thing: Trying hard
Class: 2-1
Date Of Birth: September 29th
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Blood type: B
Special Skill: Aikido
Favorite thing: Trying hard
She lives alone with her mother and her younger sister Suzuna because her father leaving them with a huge debt. Because of her father's actions, she has a deep hatred for most boys (except the gentlemanly type).She goes to Seika high school, which only recently became co-ed. It was an all-boy's school only a few years ago. The student body is 80% male and 20% female. Misaki worked hard to become the student council president and "protect the girls". However, she has a secret. she has a part-time job... at a maid cafe! She doesn't want anyone at school to discover her, because she thinks that if they do, she will lose her authority as student council president.
2. Usui Takumi
Age: 17 years old
Class: 2-2
Date Of Birth: April 27th
Height: 186 cm
Weight: Forget
Blood type: O
Special Skill: Nothing in particular
Favorite Thing: Observation
Class: 2-2
Date Of Birth: April 27th
Height: 186 cm
Weight: Forget
Blood type: O
Special Skill: Nothing in particular
Favorite Thing: Observation
One of the most popular boys at Seika High. He's a pro in cooking, can play chess, is smart, jumps down roofs (but doesn't die), free all the time and always appears unexpectedly. He develops an interest in Misaki and is the first to learn she is working at a maid café, but chooses to keep her secret and soon falls in love with her. He continues to watch over and protect her, as well as offering insightful advice on how to deal with the boys at Seika effectively and fairly. He appears to be the only male student at school that Misaki is willing to speak to as an equal. He lives alone in an apartment.
Here some pics of The Anime ^^
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