Yea, seems like it's been long since the last time I made a post.... Here I come back! B)
I'm spending holiday in my hometown now.. so I write from my lovely old room, nyuuuh
#gulinggulinggemes sama ini kamar!
Oke, selama menghabiskan satu hari ini, bisa dibilang ga banyak yang aku lakuin, haft
Karena saking bosannya sehari cuma mantengin akun social media, aku mutusin buat surfing yg lebih berguna (ceilaa sadar juga.. haha)
Jadiii.... dari menjelang siang - menjelang sore aku liat situs-situs "read book online" terus download ebook (tapi belum sempet dibaca juga ^^v )
Habis itu jadi blogwalker 8)
Ini nih blog-blog yang aku kunjungi, yang punya isi menarik (menurutku looh :p), check 'em out :
referensi bukunya banyak..banget, it makes me want to buy all the books she describes :D
isinya beauty care buat remaja cewek, asyik banget buat tempat sharing tentang dunia cewek dan permasalahannya (jadi promo, ups. haha)
Dan setelah itu rutinitas surfing kembali seperti sebelumnya, download-mendownload lagu, dan Akhirnya.. kembali juga ke akun jejaring sosial.
Setelah kembali, seorang teman menchat:
A: Heyhey
Me: kenaps?
A: nyapa lagi..
Me: okay.. --"
A: Apa rencanamu di malam tahun baru nanti?
Me : Aku mau kondangan! :3 habis saudaraku nikah pas banget malem tahun baru --"
A: Itu aja? nothing else?
Me: (membatin rese juga ya ini orang, dan ketika sedang memutar otak mau bales apa tiba-tiba disconnect! ah yaudah, takdirnya ga kebales, hehe)
Itulah yang aku lakuin buat menghabiskan satu dari sekian hari liburanku....aimlessly. --v see you on the next post! :)
Kamis, 30 Desember 2010
Rabu, 08 Desember 2010
Aku lagi Muter-Muter
Ga tau harus mulai darimana, males males tapi mau buat bikin postingan baru, Hahaha
Oke, ini berbagi kisah aja yaa....
Jadi gini, di sekolahku, ada cowok yang entah bagaimana dan bagaimana bisa kaya ga pernah kesentuh sama cewek, yah you know lah gimana...
jadi dia sekolah ya sekolah.. ga ada namanya bergaul akrab sama cewek kaya temen-temennya yang lain, bergaul sama cowok aja kurang sering (aku ga bilang jarang lho ya.. bedain, haha)
Dan ya udah sewajar dan sepatutnya cowok tipe begini nih.. dia Rajin, Pinter, dan Disenangi para guru..
Yah gimana ga? duduknya selalu kalo bisa paling depan, catetannya selalu kalo bisa paling lengkap, sampe apa aja yang keluar dari bibir sang pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa (guru, red.) kalo menurutnya penting.. Ya dicatet.
Entah sekriting apa jari-jarinya sekarang... Pokonya ini cowok paling beda diantara yang lain.
Nah berhubung ini cowok nujubile rajinnya dan catetannya mesti lengkap sampe ngalahin yang cewek, aku jadi suka minjem catetan ke dia.
Dan selama proses peminjaman buku catetan, juga mempelajari catetannya, aku jadi tau cowok ini pintar karena rajin..kan ada tuh yang pinter kongenital, haha
Dan yang kaya gini nih yang mengkhawatirkan, yang bisa nyebabin indikasi perubahan....... (isi sendiri deh, ga perlu diperjelas kan? haha)
Ya udah deh segini dulu ceritanya... hahaha gantung banget ya, ya biarin lah.. keep the ending private ^^v
Oke, ini berbagi kisah aja yaa....
Jadi gini, di sekolahku, ada cowok yang entah bagaimana dan bagaimana bisa kaya ga pernah kesentuh sama cewek, yah you know lah gimana...
jadi dia sekolah ya sekolah.. ga ada namanya bergaul akrab sama cewek kaya temen-temennya yang lain, bergaul sama cowok aja kurang sering (aku ga bilang jarang lho ya.. bedain, haha)
Dan ya udah sewajar dan sepatutnya cowok tipe begini nih.. dia Rajin, Pinter, dan Disenangi para guru..
Yah gimana ga? duduknya selalu kalo bisa paling depan, catetannya selalu kalo bisa paling lengkap, sampe apa aja yang keluar dari bibir sang pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa (guru, red.) kalo menurutnya penting.. Ya dicatet.
Entah sekriting apa jari-jarinya sekarang... Pokonya ini cowok paling beda diantara yang lain.
Nah berhubung ini cowok nujubile rajinnya dan catetannya mesti lengkap sampe ngalahin yang cewek, aku jadi suka minjem catetan ke dia.
Dan selama proses peminjaman buku catetan, juga mempelajari catetannya, aku jadi tau cowok ini pintar karena rajin..kan ada tuh yang pinter kongenital, haha
Dan yang kaya gini nih yang mengkhawatirkan, yang bisa nyebabin indikasi perubahan....... (isi sendiri deh, ga perlu diperjelas kan? haha)
Ya udah deh segini dulu ceritanya... hahaha gantung banget ya, ya biarin lah.. keep the ending private ^^v
Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010
Become a new fan of SHINee !
Ini cerita dimulai dari temen-temen cewek di kelasku; Mira, Linda, Cut, dkk yang lagi asik liat Reality Show Korea namanya WGM (itu acaranya tentang seleb-seleb Korea yang dipasangin terus disuruh nunjukin akan seperti apa hidup mereka kalo mereka nikah, ya sama pasangannya tadi).
Nah, ternyata oh ternyata (halah) ada salah 1 pesertanya yang aku kenal -- Jung Yong Hwa oppa! ;D pasangannya Seo Hyun (SNSD).
Nah dimulai dari liat reality show yang di setting horror tadi ( 1 per 1 pasangan seleb korea tadi disuruh uji nyali di sekolah kosong )
terus dilanjutin liat video-video boyband korea; Suju, SHINee, dll (sambil bertanya-tanya kenapa di Indo sekarang blas nggak ada boyband ya --?)
Teruus nggak sengaja apa udah takdirnya aku pengen ikutan liat (padahal sebelumnya nggak pernah suka boyband korea), Nah waktu itu.. lagi liat video-nya SHINee yang Juliette, aku sukaa banget sama Jonghyun! (dari suara, dance, sama penampilannya) dan nggak suka banget sama Minho (di videonya rambutnya flat gitu sih -.-)
Terus dari 1 video berganti video lain, lama-lama kok aku tertarik yaa sama cara ngedance mereka, gerakannya yg atraktif bgt (3456789 kali lebih atraktif dr dance-nya suju, maaf bagi fans nya suju, ini cuma opini pribadi kok ^^v)
dan lama-lama lagi (kebanyakan lama-lama deh =_=) aku juga jadi sukaaa bgt sm Minho oppa.. (^.^)
Bzzzt, emang dasar aku ini cewek yang nggak mudah konsisten a.k.a plin plan! XD
Ya mau gimana lagi, Bukankah senangnya hati nggak bisa dipaksain? kwokwo, cukup. mulai mendayu-ndayu *abaikan*
Trus jadi deeh, walopun banyak komentar miring (bener-bener miring) bilang kalo Minho itu cuma bisa ngerap, suaranya nggak terlalu bagus, blabla blabla, Tapi tetep! Menurutku suaranya OKE SEKALI kok XD (namanya orang suka, Haha)
Selanjutnya, dimulailah petualangan mencari sebuanyak mungkin foto, video, info tentang SHINee pada umumnyaa dan Minho pada khususnya :P
Dan diresmikanlah label baru dalam diri saya sebagai
Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010
Yeah. I ♥ this !
Aku lagi demen gilaa sama lagunya Lady Antebellum "Need YOU Now" .. gatau waktu itu moment-nya pas aja sama lagunyaa.. enak banget, country yeah! and liriknyaa... gausah ditanya..#melted xo
Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Woah, woah
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now, I just need you now
Oh baby, I need you now
So yoo check it out :
Let me introduce 'em :
(from left to right..)
He's lead and background vocals
She's lead and background vocals too
3. Dave Haywood
He's background vocals, guitar, piano, mandolin
And this is the song....
-- Need YOU Now --
Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Woah, woah
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now, I just need you now
Oh baby, I need you now
Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010
SUNTUK ! --_--
Satnite. August 14th 2010 -- 05.50 till 10.44 p.m
Bangun dari tidur sore jam setengah 6, cek hp, eh ada 1 pesan. Isinya.. emmt, ya pokoknya dan intinya aku terpaksa ngabisin weekend ini di kost, sendiri pula! errrght --_--
Mood ku langsung ambruk seketika -lebay- Ya habis, udah mlanning (baca: bikin rencana) weekend ini buat gini dan gitu.. tapi jadi gagal, ga bisa terlaksana ! *kesal kuadrat*
Trus aku ngapain dong? di kost, di kamar, sendiri (eh masi ada adek kost deng, tapi ya sama aja, gak seru..)
akhirnyaa, apalagi pelarianku selain online, nonton film, dengerin musik. Haah.. ya cuma itu yang bisa dilakuin kalo lagi suntuk. mau jalan, jalan kemanaa euy ? > orang motor aja parkir di rumah sepupu. ngeek -__- (ceritanya si ibu kost belum ngebolehin bawa motor, so why? katanya ga ada tempatnya, Hah -_- ini rumah kost ga kecil (alias besar) ya buk.. -_-
Ya sudah laaah.. yang muda ngalaah (?) sekarang aku cuma bisa geluntungan di kasurr (~_~) dan jerit-jerit gila! Oh, Oh. maunya Apasih? -_-
And well. inilah daftar kerjaan selama aku meratapi kesuntukan (kalo suntuk, bahasaku jadi makin lebay -.-)
1. Onlineee facebook, berbuat amal (?) berbagi kesuntukan dengan yang lain.. bikin banjir status, nyepam ^^v
2. Edit-edit foto ! suntuk = inspirasi buat ngedit foto dan ga lupa ngasih tulisan gede-gede di samping foto: SUNTUK ! -___- (biar semua orang merasakan yang aku rasaa.. Haissh haha)
3. Nonton tv, liat acara PT, itu lhoo yang ada di antv, yang rebutan rumah. Disitu aku suka sama si boss nya (yang suka nunjuk-nunjuk otak~) Ah, oke straight to the point » Si Erick (Isn't he smart ? ;D)
4. Dengerin musik ~lalalala~syalalala Hahahaa. download so many songs and video clips and listening it and singing it! ;D Enaknya punya kamar di lantai 3 ya gini ini, ga ada yang denger, jauh dari peradaban lantai 1 (rumah si ibu kost) :p
5. Nonton film BBF ( lagi?? | iya.. | kenapa? | lagi pengen aja, kan suntuuk.. | Haah -_- )
And Those all How I spent my sad saturday night.... Hoaaahm, sampe aku tidur dan terbawa mimpi. hopefully the next weekend isn't like this, isn't a nightmare anymore, isn't a bad satnite. Happy Weekend ! ;)
Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010
The Inspirer! b^ ^d
check this out::
.. Komunitas yang dibentuk sm Alanda Kariza..
Akhir-akhir ini saya (sangat amat) menyukai Alanda Kariza, dia entah bagaimana, terus menginspirasi saya melalui tulisan-tulisannya, menumbuhkan kecintaan saya pada our beloved country, Indonesia! and this Earth definitely. lol..
Beberapa hari yang lalu saya sempat ke Gramedia, rencana awal pengen Hunting buku Vice Versa nya Alanda Kariza. Tapi not available.. ( berpikir, mungkin saya harus online order via Terrant Books saja.. - -a )
.. Alanda yang sudah sesukses ini di usianya sekarang terus membuat saya iri, dia dengan cerdas mengolah dirinya dalam aspek IQ, SQ, ataupun EQ.. sehingga benar-benar memanfaatkan, memaksimalkan, dan tidak menyia-nyiakan potensi diri yang sudah ada.
Sebagai penggagas Indonesian Youth Conference dan penerima Young Changemakers Awards 2010: Innovation in Clean Water & Sanitation dari lembaga ASHOKA Indonesia, dan jadi perwakilan Indonesia buat jaringan aktivis muda Global Changemakers yang pusatnya di London (Inggris) dan Bern (Swiss), Alanda udah kebukti menaruh respek yang besar terhadap generasi muda Indonesia. Dia tahu benar bahwa "Masa Depan Indonesia ada di tangan Generasi Mudanya" bukan hanya kata-kata yang selalu saja diucapkan para orang tua, tetapi memang itulah yang sedang kita hadapi sekarang, Para Generasi Muda.
Dia dengan kesadarannya mengajak generasi muda seluruh Indonesia untuk terus mengembangkan diri hingga semaksimal mungkin dan memimpin Negara ini ke arah yang lebih baik, karna Masa Depan Indonesia ada di Tangan Kita!
Itulah, dengan usianya yang masih muda, pemikirannya tergolong luas dan kritis banget.. Dia nggak cuman memotivator tetapi juga ikut bertindak!
Salut Alanda! Hope I can be like you someday! I have to! You're such a great inspirer for me! b^ ^d
Salut Alanda! Hope I can be like you someday! I have to! You're such a great inspirer for me! b^ ^d
Show your respect for our country !! ^ ^
Yeah! I'm Glad! I have already supported Komodo in New 7 Wonders of Nature! Yihay.. Although Borobudur Temple wasn't chosen in New 7 Wonders anymore, but We still have Komodo, So VOTE for it! (It's 100% free..)
To Vote Komodo, click this ::
and follow the next steps...
for further information, check this site out ::
there, we'll be given recommendation of wonders of nature which we should vote. This can help raising the position of Komodo.
If your selection is successful, then this page will appear ::
If your selection is successful, then this page will appear ::
Remember:: Use ur 7 votes carefully.. to maintain Komodo.. lol
..'cause we can start lovin' this country from the little things we have done.. ^ ^
Rabu, 28 April 2010
.. morale-booster! ^__^
I used to think that I've been very good in my present achievements.. :P But, then.. or some seconds ago, after I surfed on net, - -a
.. I find out that I have to always improve my Intelligence whether it's in EQ, IQ, or SQ 'cause I found that there are so many young people in Indonesia who grow into an impressive person and able to bring Indonesia's name to the International! 0__0
Then I think, How about Us ? We're also youth Indonesia.
We're still have many opportunities to improve our intelligence, That's why we called youth, right? By being smart in all aspects (read : EQ, IQ, SQ), we'll also able to achieve an International achievement for Indonesia like another.
So, What are we waiting for?? What have we done to improve our Intelligence? And What can we give for Indonesia next?
.. 'cause any youth can dream... and any youth can achieve it by improving their Intelligence! ^__^
check these out :: these sites inspired me..
Minggu, 25 April 2010
# now playin' ... ^___^
Demi Lovato - Don't Forget ^___^
Lyric :
Did you forget
That I was even alive
Did you forget
Everything we ever had
Did you forget
Did you forget
About me
That I was even alive
Did you forget
Everything we ever had
Did you forget
Did you forget
About me
Did you regret (did you regret)
Ever standing by my side
Did you forget (did you forget)
What we were feeling inside
Now I’m left to forget
About us
Ever standing by my side
Did you forget (did you forget)
What we were feeling inside
Now I’m left to forget
About us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can’t forget it
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can’t forget it
So now I guess
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever holding my hand
Never again
Please don’t forget
Don’t forget
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever holding my hand
Never again
Please don’t forget
Don’t forget
We had it all
We were just about to fall
Even more in love
Than we were before
I won’t forget
I won’t forget
About us
We were just about to fall
Even more in love
Than we were before
I won’t forget
I won’t forget
About us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can’t forget it
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can’t forget it
Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can’t forget it
At all
Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can’t forget it
At all
And at last
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past
Is just a lesson that we’ve learned
I won’t forget
Please don’t forget us
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past
Is just a lesson that we’ve learned
I won’t forget
Please don’t forget us
Somewhere we went wrong
Our love is like a song
But you won’t sing along
You’ve forgotten
About us
Our love is like a song
But you won’t sing along
You’ve forgotten
About us
Kaichou wa Maid-sama !
A romantic comedy that centers on the student council head named Misaki Ayuzawa who despises the mostly male, slovenly population at her school, which was once an all-boys school. However, Misaki's most handsome schoolmate just discovered her secret — that she works afterschool at a maid café.Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo
Authors: Fujiwara, Hiro (Story & Art)
Characters :
1. Ayuzawa Misaki
Age: 16 years old
Class: 2-1
Date Of Birth: September 29th
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Blood type: B
Special Skill: Aikido
Favorite thing: Trying hard
Class: 2-1
Date Of Birth: September 29th
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Blood type: B
Special Skill: Aikido
Favorite thing: Trying hard
She lives alone with her mother and her younger sister Suzuna because her father leaving them with a huge debt. Because of her father's actions, she has a deep hatred for most boys (except the gentlemanly type).She goes to Seika high school, which only recently became co-ed. It was an all-boy's school only a few years ago. The student body is 80% male and 20% female. Misaki worked hard to become the student council president and "protect the girls". However, she has a secret. she has a part-time job... at a maid cafe! She doesn't want anyone at school to discover her, because she thinks that if they do, she will lose her authority as student council president.
2. Usui Takumi
Age: 17 years old
Class: 2-2
Date Of Birth: April 27th
Height: 186 cm
Weight: Forget
Blood type: O
Special Skill: Nothing in particular
Favorite Thing: Observation
Class: 2-2
Date Of Birth: April 27th
Height: 186 cm
Weight: Forget
Blood type: O
Special Skill: Nothing in particular
Favorite Thing: Observation
One of the most popular boys at Seika High. He's a pro in cooking, can play chess, is smart, jumps down roofs (but doesn't die), free all the time and always appears unexpectedly. He develops an interest in Misaki and is the first to learn she is working at a maid café, but chooses to keep her secret and soon falls in love with her. He continues to watch over and protect her, as well as offering insightful advice on how to deal with the boys at Seika effectively and fairly. He appears to be the only male student at school that Misaki is willing to speak to as an equal. He lives alone in an apartment.
Here some pics of The Anime ^^

Friendship between Us! ^____^
... Tidak ada Persahabatan yang SEMPURNA di dunia ini. Yang ada hanya orang-orang yang berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk mempertahankannya ...
... ♥ My bestie ♥ ...

Thanks for always be there for me Guys.. Thanks for always beside me.
Make me strong! Thanks..
U're the BEST!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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