Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Cheer me Up!

Diposting oleh ... LLLLLLL ^^ di 01.29 0 komentar

Have you ever felt like you are in the worst condition during your life? you hit the ground too hard.. you hug the cactus too tight.. hurtful, sad, gloomy.. Have you? I'm feeling those all now..
Life's getting so hard these days.. People around you keep disappointing you, they are stabbing, cheating, and betraying you.. Every action you take seems wrong in their eyes, they make you feel like you can do nothing right. They leave you when you have hard time, when you need them the most.
I'm trying.. I'm always trying to make myself calm down, "Be patient, you know you are strong enough to face this problem, you are solving it one by one" I said those words many times to myself..
But, those people always look at you like you are only lucky, you never have any struggle in life, just because you have more than them, they deserve to think like that?
I really do not know what to do? What should I do to people like that? I shut my mouth, I am not the type who can easily tell my true feeling to them.. I never want to hurt them, to make our relationship worse.. though I feel sad and disappointed inside.. But then I find out that those people think my silence as I am okay, I do not regret anything.. They misunderstand my silence and it hurts.
If only they stood in my position, I wanted to ask back: what do you feel?
Then just now, I pour my feeling to God, I cried, I wanted to let my anger go, I was tired.. I cried till I fell asleep..
Then I wake up.. Thanks God, I can feel stronger.. My big dream and my goal in life remind me to keep myself sane among these people.. I prefer to live with few friends, but they are loyal than with many friends but they all stab me from back..
Also thanks to this blog for being here when I need space to pour my feeling :)

Have a very happy life, everyone... :)

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

Diposting oleh ... LLLLLLL ^^ di 07.24 0 komentar
I was shocked and sad when I heard that one of the most influential people in the world had passed away, his struggle during life has impressed me and inspired me a lot.
He had understood that his time was limited. That's why he told us to not waste time by living someone else's life. He told us to have a trust in something.. because it will give us the confidence to follow our heart and find what we love so we can love what we do.
Thanks for teaching me about life.. thanks for your great contribution in technology. It will be remembered forever..
We always love you, Sir..    :')

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Diposting oleh ... LLLLLLL ^^ di 02.48 0 komentar
Hari ini, Baru aja pulang ke kost abis try out di sebuah bimbel, eh dikagetin sama berita dari Yu Nem tentang bom di solo, Apa??? BOM DI SOLO! Dan yang lebih parah TKP nya ada di deket kost-an aku.. di Kepunton. Yu Nem tau berita itu bukan dari mana-mana, karna beliau liat dan dateng langsung ke TKP ! :o
Aku Kaget, Shock dengernya, suer! Kota Solo, tempat aku nuntut ilmu 3 tahun ini.
Ga pernah punya pikiran bakal ada bom di kota yang aku kenal sangat damai, nyaman dan menyenangkan ini.. Tuhan..
Dan seharian ini aku udah denger berapa kali sirene ambulans dari kamar kost , aku ngrasa sedih, ikut prihatin, kenapa musti bunuh diri dan melukai orang lain dengan bom? bener-bener perbuatan yang... (gabisa ngomongnya, karna akan sangat kasar, maaf)
Dan gara-gara kejadian ini, Solo yang biasanya kalo Minggu sepi, jadi gempar, dimana-mana (social networking, media massa, di jalan) orang-orang rame ngomongin Solo dan berkomentar..
Tapi satu, jangan sampe kejadian ini nimbulin kesalahpahaman, jangan ngebawa-bawa masalah agama hanya karna TKP nya ada di sebuah tempat ibadah, jangan sampe mengadu domba dan terprovokasi, dan tolong juga, jangan ngejudge apapun tentang kota Solo kalo belum pernah ngerasain gimana menyenangkannya tinggal disini.. :']
Dan sebagai warga negara yang baik, Kita serahin aja semuanya ke pihak yang berwajib dan biarin mereka menangani kejadian ini dengan benar sesuai prosedur.
Semoga Solo, kota yang memberiku banyak pelajaran tentang kehidupan bisa kembali jadi kota yang nyaman, tentram, damai, dan menyenangkan..
Semoga kejadian seperti ini ga terulang lagi, jangan pernah.. please God.. :(
Aku ga mau kota Solo ku ini berubah.. :'(

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

My life is too hectic !

Diposting oleh ... LLLLLLL ^^ di 07.25 0 komentar
Hey y'aaaall ! I come back again after a long period! please welcome me back LOL :p

I wanna share something but.. wait, I should arrange it into a good story so y'all can understand.

Today I had a lot of laugh-out-loud moments with my classmates as my new family, They're Nisa, Berrit, Stevee, Fitree, and Jasmine! It's weekend and I really love hanging out with 'em to refresh my mind after a hard week I've passed before ! We go swimming at Ortopedi, eating at Jogja Chicken and doing some fun things together. It was such a hilarious time with 'em.

fyi, I'm in the third grade of senior high school. I'm pretty sure I don't have to tell ya all why I must and should do refreshing. To be a third grade student is the most suffered life.

There's almost no time to take rest properly and don't ever think you can play freely !

Hence, when weekend comes ! We will welcome it with our warmest smile ever and we'll greatly celebrate it! We don't have to think twice to use the free time to recharge our energies! We won't waste the time, we swear! because it's been a rare chance to have a free time.
Everyday I should go to school at 6.00 a.m because my class begins at 6.30 a.m ! For more than 11 hours from 6.30 a.m till 18.00 p.m I study, everywhere! To tell you the details (sorry if I become blabber but I can't stand it since I have a blog to share everything :r) after school ends, I go to my course. I have 2 lessons to learn. I'll be there till 6.00 p.m . So, when I go back to my boarding home. It's been too late and without any energy left. Everytime I enter my room, I find out myself too exhausted. I cry sometimes, it can make me calm awhile. but, I have to drag myself out of the tiredness. I have a bunch of assignments to finish. Moreover, I have to study if there's a test for the following day. I'll keep stay awake till I think I have to get some sleep to gain more energy (I don't even care with the time) and If it's necessary I'll wake up again at 3 a.m to study more. And Another new and suffered day is ready to welcome you back! It's extremely crazy, right? or I'm the one who feel like that? =,=a
Life is too hectic lately, guyss!! :c

And tonight while I have a chance, I'll glad to make a new post for my lonely blog. Pesssh, I'm too sorry to you, baby blog. #kisshug :*

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


Diposting oleh ... LLLLLLL ^^ di 01.22 0 komentar
Tadi waktu pelajaran Biologi di kelas, tumben aku ga ngantuk, biasanya baru berapa menit udah nguap-nguap hehe
Tadi materinya Pencernaan, trus ada analisis kasus yang dikasih guru, tugasnya menganalisis hubungan antara Teknologi, Pengetahuan, Lingkungan, dan Masyarakat pada Kanker Kolon (Kanker Usus)
Waktu nganalisis sendiri sih males, tapi waktu dibahas dan dianalisis bareng-bareng, jadinya tertarik juga, dasarnya aku seneng kalo diterangin tentang tubuh gitu, hehe
Trus tadi juga diterangin kalo kanker kolon sekarang menyerang usia muda juga, kaya para eksekutif muda yang sering mengkonsumsi makanan instan karena dikejar waktu (they are super busy, right?)
Nah makanan instan kan banyak zat aditifnya, ada pengawet, pewarnanya.. jelasnya ga baik buat tubuh, mengandung zat-zat karsinogenik (penyebab kanker)
Terus buat yang sering susah buang air besar, sembelit atau konstipasi juga perlu hati-hati, karena kemungkinan kena kanker ususnya bisa 4x lebih gede daripada yang ga sering, uuu.. pasti ga mau kan akhirnya kaya gitu..
Nah, biar ga gampang kena sembelit, yang bisa dilakuin adalah... sering-sering makan makanan berserat, buah-buahan kaya pepaya trus sama bekatul (kata guruku bekatul ampuh banget, tapi sekarang bekatul malah dipake buat makanan ternak, nah lho, jadi malah ternaknya yang sehat dan ga gampang kena penyakit -,-a)
Ayo, masa kalah sama ternak, ternak aja makanannya sehat, haha
Terus kalo bisa dipenuhin 4 Sehat 5 Sempurna-nya, Itu udah yang paling pas buat kesehatan kita..
Oke, Segini dulu postingannya.. Semoga Bermanfaat! =)

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